Monday, November 19, 2012

How to Communicate with Your Cat

Many people do not enjoy living their life without a beloved pet by their side, as nothing can replace the inner warmth that an animal can provide for its owner. Although sometimes having pets around can cause a lot of extra stress, many find that being without them can cause even more.

While owning a small dog seems to be the popular choice for pet owners these days, some still find that having a cat is the way to go, and the more emotionally rewarding animal to call your own. Establishing a good relationship with your cat is very beneficial to not only the cat, but to you as well. The best way to do so is being able to communicate with your cat and let it know that you understand its needs.

However, this must be a two-way street, as you must allow the cat to understand you as well. Having this two-way street of communication will go a long way in creating a warm and loving relationship between you and your pet.

There are several ways to communicate with your cat, both verbally and non-verbally. Using a specific tone of voice with your cat is crucial, as you must establish a different tone of voice to address various acts. For example, when it is time to eat, you want to use a nice high pitched voice to show the pet that it is time for a rewarding experience. However, when the cat does something bad, you want to use a low pitched mean sounding voice, so then the cat will begin to understand when it is doing something that is not acceptable. The way you use your voice is key and will go a long way in developing a solid foundation of communication.

Furthermore, it is also a good idea to form a pattern with your cat, as they often will be much more comfortable with their surroundings if they know what to expect on a daily bases. Be sure to listen to your cat very closely as well, as a long drawled out meow noise, normally means they are angry or possibly in some type of trouble. Short quick meows usually means that it is hungry, or thirsty. Learning to understand the pet’s noises will allow you to be more responsive and better equipped to properly communicate with your cat. Using these tips will allow you and your beloved moggy to have a cross-species relationship like you never thought possible!

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